The Family

The Graham Family

Travers Graham, General Manager

Travers is the eldest child of founders Steve and Margaret Graham. After completing a degree in Business and International Trade, Travers ran his own successful consulting company for the better part of 20 years. Like many, Trav had what he refers to as his 'mid-life career crisis' in his early 40’s. “I was tired of the corporate world and sick of the suit and tie. I felt like a mouse on a treadmill. Something was missing from my life, the enjoyment and beauty”.

Keen for a total change and seeking a new challenge, Trav transitioned away from his consulting business and took over the running and overall management of Boat O’Craigo in 2015, and has been the captain of the ship (or Boat) ever since. “We are farmers and craftsmen at our core. The vineyards are a place of great beauty and joy for me. I love the variety of my role, no two days are the same. Perhaps most of all, I love the people and characters involved in each and every stage of the process. We are truly blessed to have a team of incredibly talented and passionate people with us, many of whom have been with us on most of our journey. It is my job and privilege to work with these beautiful people, to pull everybody together and to take the business forward in new and exciting directions”.

The Name: Boat O'Craigo

Our winery’s distinctive name echoes that given to a family farm in the town of Craigo in Scotland where our ancestors, all agriculturalists and pioneers in the early evolution of Scotland, settled alongside the docking point for the ferry that crossed the North Esk River. The Boat O’Craigo name and tradition have drifted across seas to settle and book-end Victoria’s burgeoning Yarra Valley with two magnificent vineyards, one in Healesville and the other in Kangaroo Ground. One red, the other white.

As with the ferry’s docking-point, it is here at the gateways to the Yarra Valley that the physical journey of our travels ends, although the journey of the senses is only just beginning.

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